

Upon joining Takeout Munch LTD as a representative you will be able to earn commission from your personal orders and any referred orders.

When signing up to Takeout Munch LTD we will automatically assume you are at the legal age to sell products and agree to these terms and conditions.

All orders must be done via your own referral link which is given to you upon confirmation of registration (if you don't have this please contact us.

Commission will vary depending on the products sold. 

Takeout Munch LTD is 15% 

Takeout Home and Garden is 15% 

Takeout Wholesale Confectionery is 15%


Any customer refunds your account will be debited for the commission earned on that order if a refund is granted to that person.

Any debts unpaid would be passed to a debt collector (at your own risk).

You may be able to earn commission from your personal Recruits also please refer to your welcome email for more information on the personal recruiting.

You can start Recruiting and selling as soon as your account has been activated and you have received your referral links (there is also a code for you to share to all your customers).

Make sure you are using your links, our affiliate system works correctly so there should be no errors if a referral link has been used correctly.

If for some reason a sale hasn’t allocated on your back office you should contact us immediately with proof of ordering (order number and or customer name) without this information we cannot allocate any orders that may be missing.

Our affiliate program will tell both yourself and us how much commission your due to be paid and what you have been paid.

All orders placed before 12pm on Thursdays will be paid on Fridays via your chosen payment method. You will be paid a week in arrears.

Please allow up to Monday for your commission to show as during busy periods and holiday seasons admin may be busy processing orders and depending on how you want to receive your commission.

You are responsible to keep a record of your earnings from being an affiliate so print off your income and outcome monthly to make it easier for you when you do any tax returns.